Episode Transcript
[00:00:10] Speaker A: On this episode of Common Mystics, we welcome our friend Michelle Holland as we delve into the cosmic forces set to influence us this month.
I'm Jennifer James.
[00:00:24] Speaker B: I'm Jill Stanley.
[00:00:25] Speaker A: We're psychics.
[00:00:26] Speaker B: We are sisters.
[00:00:27] Speaker A: We're common mystics. We find. Usually we find extraordinary stories in ordinary places, but this month we are looking at two major eclipses that are going to impact us in March of 2025.
[00:00:44] Speaker B: Okay, but wait, before we get to March, Michelle. Michelle Holland. Our lovely, lovely Michelle is here with us. Say hello.
[00:00:52] Speaker C: Hi, everybody.
How are you?
[00:00:56] Speaker B: I was stressed. I feel like every. Everything right now is already a shit show. Right. So what's happening right now? And then how is it gonna change in the coming days?
[00:01:10] Speaker A: Well, hold on, hold on. Before we get into that. Hold that thought, Michelle, because, Jill, I think we owe our listeners some sort of explanation because we are usually not this topical. You. You know what I mean? So give them an update on our lives and how we're, you know, saving up on our next road trip. For our next road trip, et cetera. What we have planned.
[00:01:32] Speaker B: So.
So personally.
There's so much happening so personally in Jen and in my life. We are.
We are just going through it, you know, I don't know what else to say other than shit's getting real. We're just a little stressed. We are going to.
We have. I don't know where you want me to take this, Jennifer.
[00:02:01] Speaker A: Wherever you want to take it. This is just so outside the norm of what we're doing every couple weeks. So I just wanted a little explanation for people who might be listening and tuning in.
[00:02:10] Speaker B: I think, personally, our lives are a shit show. And we were like, okay. And then, then someone was like, march is going to be even worse. And we're like, whoa. And I'm like, if we're feeling this, I wonder if other people around the world are feeling the same chaotic, like the tower energy, like, just be coming down. And we wanted to reach out to Michelle for. For Michelle's explanation because you have a.
[00:02:37] Speaker C: Lot to answer for, Michelle.
[00:02:39] Speaker A: None of this is Michelle's fault.
[00:02:41] Speaker C: I folded up.
[00:02:43] Speaker A: Oh, and. And. And we're out of stories.
[00:02:48] Speaker B: No, I. We are not.
[00:02:50] Speaker A: Don't lie. Don't lie to the people, Jill.
[00:02:52] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Jennifer. I have. Okay, you guys, I found a story. I found a story from our notes that we had taken like three years ago, but Jennifer doesn't like the story.
[00:03:00] Speaker A: We're out of new stories for new notes. So we're going to. To Tennessee in, In a couple weeks. So hopefully we'll have more new destination stories.
[00:03:09] Speaker B: Stories.
[00:03:10] Speaker A: Okay, Jill, I didn't mean to insult you personally. It's not about you.
[00:03:12] Speaker B: I have. I have stories. But my point is I really liked my story, but you put a quash on it, so now it has to be next week's Detour.
[00:03:18] Speaker A: It's common mystics. I'm a mystic, you're a mystic. We have to give and take. It's not the Jill Stanley show.
[00:03:25] Speaker B: All I'm saying is that next week on Detours, I have a. I have a story that we researched from notes long ago that is a. A story from 1980 that Jennifer did not feel comfortable with setting on our regular feed.
[00:03:39] Speaker A: Right, right. Exactly. Okay. Sorry, Michelle. Sorry you had your.
Sorry, Michelle. Okay, back to you. What the hell is going on?
[00:03:48] Speaker B: Okay, what the hell is going on now?
[00:03:50] Speaker C: Right now? Okay, so Pluto went into Aquarius, right?
[00:03:55] Speaker A: Didn't that start at the end of last year?
[00:03:58] Speaker C: Yes, started at the end of last year. Okay, so Pluto was in Capricorn, which I was happy with. With that going away because Capricorn is my sun sign. So that affected me for the last, you know, 15 years. So now Pluto changed signs and it's in Aquarius. Okay, so Aquarius is about humanity. Like, so think of, you know, so think of.
[00:04:24] Speaker A: I like humanity.
[00:04:25] Speaker C: Yeah, so do I.
I can take.
[00:04:29] Speaker B: It or leave it.
[00:04:30] Speaker C: I love humanity. But all of these structures are falling apart because of Pluto. So Pluto will. It is tower. So it will wipe everything away and then restart. So.
[00:04:44] Speaker A: So when you say Pluto is tower, you mean the tarot card.
[00:04:48] Speaker C: Yeah, so think of the. That's a. Yeah, that's the worst terror.
[00:04:53] Speaker B: That's the worst. Yeah, that is the worst tarot card in the deck.
[00:04:57] Speaker A: And for those who. Who don't know the tarot cards. Jill, describe what. Looking what the pictures are on the tower tarot card.
[00:05:06] Speaker B: It actually reminds me of 9 11.
[00:05:08] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:05:09] Speaker B: You have a tower. Flames coming out of people jumping out of. It's just the biggest. The biggest, chaotic, most horrible thing you can think of. That is the tarot card. What is the energy behind that card, Jennifer? Like, I am being very flippant about it, but, like, as a real tarot reader, as you are, describe what you would tell a client if they had a tarot reading with the, like a card being the tower.
[00:05:35] Speaker A: Well, it's definitely. And Michelle, feel free to add to this, but the tower is all about change, obviously, but also dramatic and. And like complete. Like complete. Like, burn it all to the ground. We're Starting from scratch. Right. Dramatic total transformation.
And it. And that can be scary.
[00:06:03] Speaker B: Well, not only dramatic transformation, you can have a dramatic transformation, but this is dramatic transformation that you are not ready for, not prepared for. It's like you. It's like someone's taken the rug from underneath your feet and you are falling. It's like not just transformation, but the most uncomfortable possible way to transform. Right.
[00:06:25] Speaker A: I would agree with that.
[00:06:26] Speaker C: So it's like your house has burnt down. Now you have to start from scratch.
[00:06:30] Speaker A: Right.
[00:06:31] Speaker C: It might end up being a good thing. It doesn't necessarily have to be this, you know, I mean, we think of things burning down and being torn apart, and it's terrible. And in the moment, yes. But then in the end, when there's something new, something better, that's when we can see why the tower had to fall apart in the first place. Place.
[00:06:51] Speaker B: So I'm not there yet, but I hear you. I like this Buddha vu of the world right now that it's something better is coming. But we're still like, shit's still on fire right now.
[00:07:00] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:07:01] Speaker B: And I think still part of LA is on fire. I think so.
[00:07:04] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:07:04] Speaker B: You know what I mean? And that's really.
[00:07:06] Speaker C: Right. And this is affecting everyone. So when Pluto changes signs, it's gonna affect everyone. It's. Pluto is like the outermost planet, even though, you know, it's not really a planet anymore, you know, planet. So it's, you know, it's in a sign for a very long time. And it will affect the whole, like, everyone. The collective. It's going to affect a collective.
[00:07:31] Speaker B: So it feels like Pluto knows that we were talking on Earth about it not being a planet and now it's flexible.
[00:07:36] Speaker C: Yeah. Now it's like, what? Yeah, I'm gonna get you.
I am Planet.
[00:07:43] Speaker B: Thanks. Neil Degrasse Tyson.
[00:07:45] Speaker C: Right.
[00:07:46] Speaker A: And it is.
[00:07:46] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:07:47] Speaker A: This move from Capricorn into Aquarius for Pluto is really the beginning of an age because it's going to stay in Aquarius until 2044.
[00:07:58] Speaker C: Yes, 2044. So it's going to be there a long time.
[00:08:02] Speaker B: I can't do this for.
[00:08:03] Speaker C: Well, usually the start and the end of Pluto is where things really start to shake up. So, you know, think about when Pluto was in Capricorn. Like, Capricorn is about the structures. You know, you think government, you know, you think boundaries.
So think of everything that kind of fell apart with Pluto in Capricorn. Like, you know, systems kind of falling apart, people kind of going against each other. And the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was when we first started talking about, like, when the United States first started talking about removing themselves from England and becoming our own country.
[00:08:51] Speaker B: Oh, my, yes.
[00:08:54] Speaker C: So now that Pluto's in Aquarius now, this is the time when we made our constitution. Like, the United States created the Constitution. This is a time when Maria Antoinette was beheaded. This is a time when there was a French Revolution. We were still in the midst of war. Like, United States was still in the midst of the revolution during this time. So if you think about what's going on now, like, there's a lot of shit going on in the government and with our structures and really thinking about, like, humanity as a whole, like, what do we want for the people? You know, when we think of Aquarius, we're thinking of everyone. Like, what. What do we really want for the people?
[00:09:41] Speaker A: I think talking about, like, the nation is something that a lot of people can relate to. But even on a personal level, I am seeing structures fall apart. Like, in my place of employment, structures are falling apart. And I'm not saying it's good or bad. I'm just. I'm just noticing it. I'm also seeing some of the people I know through my, you know, relationships and their, like, personal relationships, their family structures are falling apart. So, yes, nationwide for sure, we're. We're seeing structures crumble. But also, I think if you look at a personal level, because we know that Pluto impacts everybody, right? Because of how slowly it moves in the sky. Anyway, I just wanted to point that out because it is on a global level and you're looking at countries, but even if you look at your own life, you might be seeing this happen in different ways.
[00:10:41] Speaker C: Right?
[00:10:41] Speaker B: I think that that's a good point because people listening are gonna make the assumption that we're talking about the shit show. That is like, the politics of the world right now. But I am very, very clearly, like, yes, that, like, yes and yes and yes. But personally, like, yeah, my own life is like, oh, my God right now.
[00:11:01] Speaker C: So think about, like, the group. Because Aquarian, like, the Aquarius Energy is all about the groups. So think about the groups you're in. Your work group, your, you know, friend group, family group, you know, like, so those, those groups.
Think about that. Like, I feel like every single group that I've been a part of has fallen apart and now there needs to be a change. Something needs to happen so that these things are fixed. So, like, I feel like right now it's the beginning. So we're in the beginning stages where everything is Just collapsing, falling apart. But it's what, what can we do to. Not. Because the Aquarian is the humanitarian, they want to help, they want to make things better. What can we do, you know, either on a personal level or, you know, global level, like, what can we do to change to make things better?
[00:11:51] Speaker A: And as Pluto stays in Aquarius and Michelle, correct me if I'm wrong, but Aquarius brings energy of thinking outside of the box. Right? Like innovation, technology.
[00:12:03] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:12:06] Speaker B: Very.
[00:12:06] Speaker C: Like, like a lot of times, like with people that are Aquarians, like when they're, when your sign, your sun sign or your rising sign is Aquarius, you have these ideas that no one would ever think of. You know, like, and then people are like, you're crazy. We can't do that. And then, you know, then it happens and you're like, wow. Like, I never thought that would happen.
[00:12:27] Speaker A: So, so I think some of this that we're feeling is that change from Stable Capricorn, which is like, like you said, all about structures and solidity and kind of breaking down those structures so we can truly move into the age of Aquarius, which is thinking outside the box, innovation, new ideas. So literally, Jill, I know you're like rubbing your brow. This has to happen to move forward.
[00:12:55] Speaker C: Think of AI like AI itself. Like that's like crazy Aquarius kind of idea. Like, and I mean, ever since Pluto went into Aquarius, it's like AI is like everywhere. You know, like, you're right. So what is going to happen in the future with that? You know, we don't know. It's just going to get, you know.
[00:13:18] Speaker A: Bigger and better and hopefully, hopefully help serve humanity. Right.
[00:13:23] Speaker C: Right.
[00:13:25] Speaker A: All right, so when I was thinking about what to talk about today, I did, you know, a quick search on some astrology sites to try to figure out like this year. We knew this year was going to be a transitional year because of Pluto. And as I was researching, I, I found a few different sources that indicated that March was the most jam packed month of the year in terms of astrological events.
[00:13:59] Speaker B: Okay, you guys, Jennifer literally found an article that, that she sent to Michelle and I that if, if you weren't already feeling a little iffy about things, it says, buckle up for a wild ride because March may be the most eventful month of 2025.
[00:14:17] Speaker A: Yeah. And the one that we actually read for this talk, Jill, is called Big Changes are coming. What the March 2025 eclipses have in store. And this one is by Tamari Atter. Both are from astrology.com they have a Lot of articles on that site, but in particular are two major eclipses.
Michelle, can you take us through.
Through the eclipses and March?
[00:14:46] Speaker B: I just want to. I just want to say that I, for lent, am giving up drinking. So this is literally going to be like the worst. The absolute worst time for me and for my sister.
[00:14:58] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:14:59] Speaker B: By proxy.
[00:15:00] Speaker A: Okay. Michelle, are you ready?
[00:15:02] Speaker C: I am ready.
[00:15:03] Speaker A: Okay, talk to us about these eclipses.
[00:15:07] Speaker C: On March 14, there is a lunar eclipse in Virgo. Okay. So that lunar eclipse. When there's a lunar eclipse, we think of more things happening internally.
Okay, so we have a lunar eclipse. So this is going to affect us internally. And eclipses are, you know, it's going to bring change. So any eclipse will bring change. So. And sometimes, you know, that's uncomfortable. So think of, like, internal changes. So stopping, you know, you're not going to drink anymore. That would be more internal. Okay.
[00:15:44] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:15:44] Speaker A: Can I ask you a question?
[00:15:46] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:15:46] Speaker A: Just. Just to clarify. Okay. So a lunar eclipse happens when the sun, the sun comes between.
No, the sun could never come between.
[00:16:02] Speaker C: The Earth sun is directly opposite from the moon. So the sun is on one side of the Earth. The moon is on the other side of the Earth.
[00:16:09] Speaker A: So the moon is eclipsed by the shadow of the Earth.
[00:16:13] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:16:13] Speaker A: Oh, got it.
[00:16:14] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:16:14] Speaker A: Thank you for that, for that reminder.
[00:16:17] Speaker C: Okay, so this eclipse is also right on one of the nodes. So it's on the south node. So there's a south node and a north node. And this is just a point in the sky where the moon will intersect, like the orbit of the sun.
[00:16:36] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:16:37] Speaker C: That's the best way I can describe it. So they're just like points that are in the. In the sky. So this lunar eclipse is right on the south node. South node is where we're more comfortable.
South node, like, when we think of the notes, there's a north node, a south node. North node is more like our lesson for this life. South node is where we've already learned another life and kind of like what we want to get rid of because we're comfortable there.
So think of, like, how like. Like my north node, I am not comfortable. Like, that's in Capricorn. I am not comfortable being the leader. Like Capricorn, like work. You know, I'm not comfortable there. That's where I'm at, my boss. My south node is in Cancer. So when something happens to me, my first reaction is cry and get emotional and.
And then people don't listen to me. Then, like, then I'm like, why isn't anyone you know, why doesn't anyone care? Well, but then when I take that leadership role and I like take charge, that's when things actually get done and things happen for me.
[00:17:45] Speaker B: So this here, Michelle.
[00:17:49] Speaker C: So this south node. Okay, so because you know, the, the eclipse is a lunar eclipse and what the sun is opposite the moon. So we've got the moon in. Is in. Sorry, the lunar eclipse is in Virgo. The south node is in Virgo. Virgo is all about like the little details. Like Virgos are very meticulous. They like, you know, like your day to day life. They like to put things in order. They like things to like come together. So it's about health, like diet.
So when that eclipse happens, you might start thinking about like internally like, how can I change my life? What details? What, what about my day to day life needs to change or it's going to change because of this eclipse. And how can I handle this? What can I do? What little things can I do throughout the day to make this better? Does that make sense?
[00:18:50] Speaker B: Yes.
And how long does eclipse energy usually last?
[00:18:57] Speaker C: So we're going to go full moon and then to the next new moon. It's the app because the solar eclipse is the opposite. So full moon, usually it's something ending.
So you know, I think, okay, like you're gonna stop drinking. Okay, that's gonna end. Your health is gonna get better. Like that's Virgo. Like, you know, like what can you do day to day? You know, what little details can you change? What can you change in your life? And it's gonna affect your health. It's gonna affect, you know, it's gonna affect your day to day overall if you're, you know, so what little changes can you.
So we go full moon and then what I'm looking at now is, is what is her name? Tiffany Harlech. I believe, like she has a calendar and she's saying December 11, 2025, the last quarter moon. This will go until then. So it's not at the next eclipse, but the next.
And then that's when you get your closure.
[00:20:02] Speaker A: So you're saying that according to this Tiffany chick, this energy is gonna stick around for most of the year.
[00:20:09] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:20:10] Speaker A: Wow. So I use significant.
[00:20:13] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:20:13] Speaker B: Hold on, wait a second.
[00:20:15] Speaker C: So I think it's different in the article.
[00:20:18] Speaker B: Well, no, my question to you is, is it, does it stick around until the next eclipse? Because the next eclipse is on the.
This is, what's, this is what's crazy. Okay, so the storm moon lunar eclipse is the 14th. The new moon solar eclipse is the 29th.
[00:20:39] Speaker C: Right. So that's a different energy.
[00:20:41] Speaker A: That's, that's a different, different eclipse altogether.
[00:20:43] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:20:44] Speaker B: So this energy of the full moon lunar eclipse is going to stay with us for a year.
[00:20:49] Speaker C: It's until the end of the day. Stay with us until December 11, 2025. The last quarter moon is in Virgo. 20 degrees in Virgo.
That's when we get the closure.
[00:21:00] Speaker A: So this is significant.
[00:21:02] Speaker C: Right. This energy started September 15, 2023.
So it's like a cycle.
[00:21:09] Speaker A: So it's a big room.
[00:21:11] Speaker B: I can totally see that.
[00:21:14] Speaker C: Yeah. And you know, I am not as familiar with like cycles like this, but Tiffany, I don't know if I'm saying her name right. Harlequin. I think it's H A R E L I C K. Like she, she has these moon cycles. So this was a two and a half year cycle. So September 15, 2023 was when it began. June 14, 2024 was when like you're supposed to take action within with the eclipse, the full moon eclipse. This is more is revealed. And then she says pivot, then commit. So if you started this cycle in September, you know, 2023, and it's not going exactly how you want, then you need to pivot and like really put your commitment into whatever intention you set them.
[00:22:05] Speaker B: So Jennifer, in context of our pod, 2023, September is when we were approached to do the book with Melissa.
[00:22:13] Speaker A: That sounds right.
[00:22:16] Speaker C: I think so that there's something that you need to commit to.
[00:22:20] Speaker B: Right.
[00:22:21] Speaker C: Maybe this is, you know, like the.
[00:22:23] Speaker B: Change and maybe the year before.
[00:22:25] Speaker A: Yeah, I think we did our, our presentation that September 2023.
[00:22:32] Speaker B: Yeah. But I do feel like we need to pivot.
[00:22:35] Speaker A: We do need to pivot for sure.
[00:22:37] Speaker B: We do need to pivot for sure. Okay, perfect.
[00:22:40] Speaker A: So should we go through the different sun signs and just really quickly give them categories of life that this eclipse is going to impact like really quick.
[00:22:55] Speaker C: So.
[00:22:55] Speaker A: Or is that not helpful?
[00:22:57] Speaker C: Well, in the article it, it has the different areas, but that's really.
You really need to look at your own chart to really see where it impacts. So I looked at all three of our charts and I don't think.
[00:23:13] Speaker B: Bless you, child.
[00:23:14] Speaker C: I do not think one of them lined up with what it said, only because it really depends on where that sign lands in your chart.
[00:23:23] Speaker A: So reach out to your local astrologers.
[00:23:25] Speaker B: Listeners, or I know Michelle Holland or.
[00:23:30] Speaker C: Just like if you have a chart, look at where.
So it's a 23 degrees Virgo. So if you look at a Chart, it will have numbers by the moon. It will say 23 degrees. So just look at where that is in your chart.
[00:23:48] Speaker A: So the 23 degrees.
[00:23:50] Speaker C: The 23 degrees. And you'll even see. And if you can get a transit chart, you will see the moon on there with Virgo. So but if you look at your chart, just look at where Virgo land. So, you know, in Jennifer's chart, it's in the second house. So you can just kind of see where that.
[00:24:10] Speaker A: What does that mean?
[00:24:11] Speaker C: What's the second house? Second house has to do with finances, what you value.
So anything that's of value to you. So that doesn't necessarily have to mean money. Okay. Like, second house is things that you have.
So, you know, when I think second house, I think of, like, possessions and what makes you feel good. What do you value?
So there could be some kind of change or somewhere you need to make a change and something that you value, and it's going to be internal. So these are internal values.
[00:24:48] Speaker B: Michelle? My 23 degrees is at the line between house 12 and 11.
[00:24:54] Speaker C: Okay. So in your chart, it is showing me for the lunar. It's. It's in the third house.
[00:25:02] Speaker B: For the lunars. In the third house.
[00:25:04] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. So third house is how you think and communicate. And it also has to do when it's siblings.
[00:25:16] Speaker B: And I. I'm. I can't with them already. I cannot. They're like. Honestly.
[00:25:23] Speaker C: Because that's Gemini. So third house, you know, is Gemini. So think of, you know, anything that comes in pairs. Do you see it at the bottom?
[00:25:34] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:25:34] Speaker C: You've got a lot of stuff like both. Like everything opposite this moon.
So it's. It's like crazy on the opposite side of the chart for everybody. So on the opposite side of the sky, there is so much stuff going on with planets. Like, there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 planets or asteroids that are very significant that are just all, like, bunched up together. And it's. So that's. That's going to affect a lot of people, too, because there's a ton of planets in Pisces, and there's a ton of things going on in Aries.
So that's where I would look in everybody's chart, too, because Pisces is. I mean, Saturn is in Pisces, the sun is in Pisces. Neptune is in Pisces.
[00:26:27] Speaker A: Right now.
[00:26:28] Speaker C: Right now.
[00:26:30] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:26:33] Speaker C: Venus is going from Aries, going retrograde into Pisces.
What else? There's the other. Mercury is in Aries, going retrograde Into Pisces. So like anything. Aries. Pisces. So. Which are very different.
[00:26:47] Speaker B: On the 15th. So we're gonna have the full moon, the lunar eclipse on the 14th, and then the 15th. Hold on, guys. Cause now we have Mercury in retrograde.
[00:26:57] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:26:57] Speaker B: Okay. So what I'm hearing from you, to put a button on it for the energy surrounding the storm, moon, lunar eclipse, that people are going to be affected personally about the way they are either living their life, or they're going to have to make decisions that will make small changes in their everyday life.
[00:27:20] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:27:21] Speaker B: And so this. So I want to get.
[00:27:23] Speaker C: This could be really subtle, too. It doesn't have to be this huge thing, but you might just start thinking, oh, I need to do. Start doing this. I need to make this change.
[00:27:31] Speaker B: So I want to say this. There is an actress that was on Oprah and she was a sister on, I think, Growing Plains, Tracy Gold. And she was at a party and she was. She was drinking or whatever, and her husband got too drunk to drive, and the husband was supposed to be the designated driver. So she. She was like, well, he's too drunk. And then she was like, you know what? I can't. I'm not. I shouldn't drive. And she was like, just do it. You're fine. Whatever. Just do it. She said that to her husband, to herself. She was like, he's a shit show. We have to get home. We have to get the kids. Like, I'll just do it. So she tries to, like, sober up a bit. And then. Then something was like, you know, you really shouldn't be like, maybe you should wait a little longer at this. At this house. And she's like, no, I'm fine. And she told it to herself. Then she gets in a car accident and she gets like, everyone's fine, but she gets a dui. The reason why I'm bringing this up is that that's how the energy that you're describing, like, you already know that a change needs to be made. That's already, like, kind of hitting at you, and you just don't want to make that change. So this energy in this year is if you don't make that change for yourself, shit's going to burn down and that chase is going to be made for you. Yes, that's what I'm hearing.
[00:28:53] Speaker C: Yes. And just what you're saying with the retrogrades, like, when you're thinking, like, retrograde energy. So the Venus and Mercury retrograde, like, you know, Mercury retrograde is like three times a year. So you know, you can't, like, stop your life three times a year. But you do need to start thinking things like, okay, my thought was, I shouldn't do this. Like, then maybe you shouldn't. You know, so when you think of these retrogrades, like, Venus is more about, again, what you value, your relationships. Like, it's. It's not a time to really, you know, break down the house. You know what I mean? And, like, bust everything open. Mercury too. But you do need to, like, reflect, review. Like, whenever there's a retrograde, you think those reads. Reorganize, review, reflect, recycle, recycle.
You know, just start thinking those things. So if you're reflecting on something and it's saying, no, I shouldn't do this, then maybe you should. Really shouldn't. Or if you're, like, really thinking about something and saying, yeah, I should, then maybe you should. Especially, like, there's that, you know, since it's going from Pisces to Aries. Pisces, those retrogrades. So Pisces is very, you know, like, this is what. When you know, where your emotions flow. But when it's retrograde, you might not really, you know, it's going back. So you're, like, reflecting on where those.
[00:30:20] Speaker B: Motions went before or what's going into Aries.
[00:30:24] Speaker C: So the Venus and Mercury are both going from. Because they're retrograde. Venus went retrograde on the 1st, and Mercury is the 15th. So they started out both in Aries. They're going back into Pisces, and then they're going. Then when they start moving forward, they're going from Pisces into Aries again.
[00:30:52] Speaker B: So we're basically chasing our tail cosmically.
[00:30:55] Speaker C: Yeah. Because Aries is all about, like, let's start, let's begin, let's go, you know, so you might start something and then all of a sudden feel like it's not going anywhere because you're kind of like, going backwards.
But that's a time when, like, let's reflect, let's review. Like, is this gonna work? Should I do this? You know, what can I do to move this along? And then when it gets into Pisces, that's four of a time when you're. When things, you know, because places is more. The end of it is the end of the zodiac. You know, it's the 12th side, and then Aries is the beginning. So when you're going back now you're kind of like, okay, now I'm like, you might really feel like you're going backwards.
[00:31:38] Speaker B: Right.
[00:31:38] Speaker C: You Know, because that's more, you know, thinking about the past and thinking about, you know, emotionally how you feel. Where Aries is more fire. Let's go, let's do it. Where Pisces is more. Let's sit back, let's reflect, let's, you know, dream. Let's, you know, romanticize.
[00:31:58] Speaker B: So based on what you're saying and the article that Jennifer cited earlier, if you are an Aries sun rising, you may be experiencing or there may be a change transpiring in your life around daily routines. Co workers of health or health in Taurus, your romantic life. If you have a sun, a Taurus sun sign or your Taurus rising, your romantic life may have a change to it, your creativity, or there may be a change with your kids. Gemini, just to stop.
[00:32:32] Speaker C: So if you're looking at your own chart, that's really seventh house.
So even if you know they're saying that it's Taurus, if you are a Taurus, it might actually affect the sixth house or the eighth house, depending on where Taurus falls. Okay.
[00:32:51] Speaker B: And the six or the eighth house, you want to describe those houses?
[00:32:56] Speaker C: Sure. So eighth house is like really going like deep emotions. It's contracts, it's dealing with things that are more secretive, things that you don't want to show people. Sexuality.
[00:33:10] Speaker A: Oh.
[00:33:10] Speaker B: Ooh, slut. Yeah.
[00:33:12] Speaker C: Because it's like the secrets, like things you hold deep.
[00:33:16] Speaker B: Okay, okay.
[00:33:17] Speaker C: Ninth house is more. This is about long distance travel. This is about spirituality. Again, like anything that's like expansive, that's going to expand, expand your mind. So learning that expands. Like college learning, you know, like where you're going to become an expert, like more philosophy, spirituality in that sense, where it's. You're expanding. So long distance travel, anything that's like.
[00:33:43] Speaker B: Far like expanding and Geminis. If you're a Gemini sun or a Gemini rising, your home, family, ancestry may be feeling some changes.
So let's move on to the Aries new moon solar eclipse, which is kind.
[00:34:00] Speaker A: Of redundant because a solar eclipse only happens during a new moon.
[00:34:06] Speaker C: Yes. So this is when they're interesting. It's like they're conjunct. It's like they're, you know, the. The moon is in front of the.
[00:34:15] Speaker A: Sun, so it has to be dark because the sun is behind it.
[00:34:20] Speaker C: Right.
So the solar eclipse is on. What is it, the 28th? 24th y.
[00:34:28] Speaker A: March 29th.
[00:34:30] Speaker B: Sorry, 29th.
[00:34:32] Speaker C: March 29th. And that is an Aries. So now that it's a solar eclipse. So think lunar eclipse. You're reflecting like this is more emotional, more inside. Solar is like bringing light to things and like, it's like, you know, shining, you know, shining bright, you know, so think of what needs to be, like, shown a light on again. There's going to be change.
So. And the solar eclipse is going to be in Aries.
So right sun, right eclipse.
[00:35:06] Speaker A: And Aries, 9 degrees in Aries.
[00:35:08] Speaker C: Yes. So if you look at where 9 degrees in Aries is in your chart, that is the area that is going to affect you the most. Okay, so Aries is where we start. It's that spirit spark. Okay, so Aries is like the leader. It's the one that runs into battle. So, you know, sometimes there's arguments when we have, you know, solar eclipses in Aries, sometimes, you know, there's a big explosion, but then Aries is like, big explosion. And then like, I feel like Jennifer.
[00:35:39] Speaker B: And I shouldn't talk for the month of March. I'm just calling it now, like, for.
[00:35:44] Speaker C: Sure, if you know what energy is coming, you can kind of, you know, work with it. Although every time the moon is in Aries, I swear I get in a fight, like an argument with someone every single time. But I know it's coming.
So. But there might be a change where you need to, like, start something you need to begin because that's. Aries is the beginning of the zodiac, you know, so. So think of that first spark of inspiration. You might have the spark, spark of inspiration where it might change what you're doing. Okay. It's, you know, Aries could be impulsive. So maybe instead of being impulsive, like, really think about, okay, maybe I need to slow down before I start changing this. But, you know, and Aries is more into themselves, into their ego, into, you know, what they want.
So when we're thinking about that solar eclipse, just think about, okay, things that are beginning. Like, where do you want to start something? Like, and change that. Where do you want to. Because, you know, I think of Aries as that one that runs into battle. Like, where do you want to fight? Where do you know? Because fighting isn't always has to have to be bad. Like, where do I want to put all that fire energy?
[00:37:03] Speaker B: So this, the solar eclipse energy. Now, you said the lunar eclipse energy is going to last until December. How long are we going to be expanding, experiencing this heightened change of the solar new moon eclipse?
[00:37:18] Speaker C: The 28th. Right?
[00:37:21] Speaker A: I have the 28th.
[00:37:23] Speaker B: I have the 29th.
[00:37:24] Speaker A: Yeah, it depends on where you are in the world.
[00:37:27] Speaker C: Yeah. So I think here. But in, you know, where we are. It's the 29th starting at 6:00am so, okay, so this energy is starting on the 29th. Okay. And then, so this is a new two and a half year cycle. Again, this is according to Tiffany Horlick. So this is where you're going to begin. So set your intentions. Then on this, on December 27, 2025, this is the first quarter moon at 6° Aries. Take action. This is when you should take action. So.
[00:38:07] Speaker A: So you're really just planning at this point, kind of.
[00:38:10] Speaker C: Yeah, planning, planning. Setting your attention. This is what I want. All right, in December, December 27th, then that's when you. Action, right?
[00:38:21] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:38:22] Speaker C: September 26th, 2026, more is revealed. That's when you pivot and commit. And then June 27, 2026 is when the last quarter moon. And so this is where you're. This is when you get closure or resolution or it's complete two years later.
[00:38:39] Speaker A: 2.
[00:38:39] Speaker C: June 27, 2027.
[00:38:42] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:38:43] Speaker B: So I'm using Llewellyn's Witches Date Book for 2025 and I'm probably saying it wrong.
[00:38:50] Speaker A: No, I think you said it right. It's just cute that you have your date book open.
[00:38:54] Speaker B: Well, the reason why I'm bringing it up is because to Michelle's point, the full moon. In the date book, there is a little poem about asking in the time of the full moon, under the light of a full moon, for nature and for the air and the elements and to spirit to come to you with what you need to know. And then that can help you pivot to the new moon on the 29th, saying, okay, now this is what I got from that meditation. This is what the wind told me on the full moon. With that information, what can I plan?
What do I need to plan to address what the full moon had told me? And then you can start making action at the full moon and then on into April. You see what I'm saying? Is that right?
[00:39:45] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:39:45] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:39:46] Speaker C: So, yeah, so I always think new moon, new beginning. That's when you set your intention, you make your plan, and then, not that you have, you don't take action until December 27th. But I think that's when you really, really go at it, you know, like.
[00:40:00] Speaker B: Now, you know, because you got momentum.
[00:40:02] Speaker C: Yes, you have momentum. This is when things are going to start taking off. And then, so, you know, then in September 2026, then that's when. Okay, now, now I realize, oh, I didn't do this, this and this. Okay, now this is what I need to do. Let's really commit to it. And then in June 2027, that's when things come to completion.
[00:40:25] Speaker B: So, Jennifer, this episode's gonna drop on Thursday the 6th, the 13th. Do we have a meditation or is that a boo review?
[00:40:37] Speaker A: A meditation.
[00:40:39] Speaker B: Because I think we should create a meditation. And I'll do it. I'll create it. And you can. You can do it and make changes to it. To ask in the light of the full moon for spirit to come to you with what you need to know about creating that intention during the new moon. Wouldn't that be nice?
[00:40:58] Speaker C: Sure.
[00:40:58] Speaker B: Just in time. Just in time. I'll write it.
I'll write it. You read it.
[00:41:04] Speaker A: Okay. It's a plan.
[00:41:07] Speaker B: Teamwork.
[00:41:08] Speaker A: We're not gonna fight.
We may fight, but not now.
[00:41:12] Speaker B: We may fight, but you find.
[00:41:15] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll fight offline.
[00:41:17] Speaker B: What's funny is that we've been fighting this whole time. And just keep this in Brian. Brian is a saint because he edited all of it out so you folks didn't get to hear it.
It's true.
[00:41:29] Speaker A: Michelle, thank you so much for.
For your insights on all of this.
My big takeaways are that it feels like it's time to release what is no longer serving us in our lives, right in our personal lives, so that we can make space for new opportunities that are coming our way. And if we're going through something tough, which a lot of us are, remember, everything is cyclical. Like you've just been talking us through. Everything is cyclical. This too shall pass.
[00:42:09] Speaker C: Exactly.
[00:42:10] Speaker B: Michelle.
[00:42:10] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:42:11] Speaker B: It feels like the universe in my perspective is Marie Kondoing my life being like, what do you need? What don't you need in the harshest of ways? And then after that happens, it's going to leave room for something else wonderful to take its place.
[00:42:28] Speaker C: I believe that 100%.
So we. And you have to. Because so much. I don't. I don't know how many people I know where their life is literally falling apart. Like things are completely changing for them in ways that they would have never thought. But I do think that, you know, looking toward the future, that's the Aquarius looking towards the future. You know, good things are coming. Things will get better. March is going to be intense. There is so much going on.
[00:43:01] Speaker B: I do wanna say that I feel like there is a sense of community popping up around these, like, different disasters, like in la, Pasadena, Altadena.
They're coming together as a community to take care of one another. I see different types of communities and I know this is terrible, but Even on my way to the hotel today from work, there are people protesting. Like, they're like, you know what I mean, like, coming out together and building a.
In whatever their belief structure may be. But it does feel like there are troops rallying around some of the horrible things happening in the world. Even my personal life, I feel like there are. I feel very connected to my friends and my family, and they're being very supportive of me. So I agree.
[00:43:52] Speaker C: And think of, like, what you just said. I think of Mr. Rogers. Like, when my things, you know, seem like they're falling apart. Look, look for the helpers, you know, look for the people that are helping because we tend to look at the negative and oh, my God, this is all happening. It's a disaster. But look at all these people that are helping. Like you said, look at all how things are. Like, people are coming together and trying to make changes for the better.
[00:44:18] Speaker B: Is there a high note that either of you want to share about something positive that is happening in your lives? Because we just like. I feel like I just like cried for myself for like an hour with you. I can say that I have the best puppy dog in the whole world. I am excited about my niece's wedding and traveling with Jennifer and getting new stories. Jennifer, there's something happening in your life that you want to be happy for.
[00:44:42] Speaker A: I'm ready for change. I'm ready for growth. I've started working in meditation a little more regularly, so I feel like I'm getting myself in the right.
Literally in the right space of mind, for lack of a better word, just to prepare myself for what's coming. But, yeah, I'm ready.
[00:45:07] Speaker B: Michelle, is there something you want to share? So a high note.
[00:45:12] Speaker C: Okay. So work wise, last year my work was a disaster. This year I'm in a different place. Same job, different place. And I feel that the people I'm surrounded by are very positive that it's just. It's just a completely different feel, like completely different vibe where I can go into work at least and be relaxed, where usually that's not the case.
[00:45:37] Speaker B: So.
[00:45:38] Speaker C: So I'm like, work is my happy place now. What is this that just seems so wrong? And Jennifer and I planned a trip.
[00:45:46] Speaker A: Oh yeah.
[00:45:47] Speaker C: For the summertime. So we're going to Oregon. So that will be fun.
[00:45:51] Speaker B: So exciting.
[00:45:53] Speaker C: So those are some good things.
[00:45:55] Speaker B: Thank you so much for sharing with us your. Your time and your insight. And I would just recommend for everyone remembering that what you focus on grows in your life and you draw to you. So try to even when everything and I and believe me, I'm in it with you when everything's shitty, just stop and think, what am I grateful for in this moment? And just kind of check yourself. Like I'm literally having to Caesar Milan myself. After I get off this call, I'm going to pray and say I'm grateful for this and this and this. Because no matter what, we always have an opportunity for growth. So I'm really talking to myself and saying this out loud, but I just wanted to share it because I feel like I've been dogging myself in this hour.
[00:46:38] Speaker A: So, Michelle, if people want an astrological reading or a tarot reading or a mediumship reading and they want to reach out to you, where can they reach you?
[00:46:48] Speaker C: So they can find me on Facebook or Instagram at Mystical Minds or they can email me at Michelle M I c h e l l e mysticalminds.net.
[00:47:01] Speaker A: All right, thank you again. It was lovely talking with you.
[00:47:06] Speaker C: Thanks.
[00:47:07] Speaker B: Love you, Michelle.
[00:47:08] Speaker C: Love you too.
[00:47:09] Speaker A: Bye.
[00:47:10] Speaker C: Bye.
[00:47:11] Speaker B: Want more Mystics? Check out our website commonmystics.net find us on Facebook and all our socials at Common Mystics Pod please. Considering sponsoring us on Patreon. We have a plethora of benefits when you do. So please check out our website or Patreon backslash commonmystics for more information there. And thank you guys so much for always supporting us and listening.
[00:47:35] Speaker C: Bye.
[00:47:37] Speaker B: This has been a Common Mystics media production editing done by Yokai Audio, Kalamazoo, Michigan.